I can sit down and write all night about how much I miss you, Baby
Or I can lie down and cry myself to sleep
But what’s the use when you’re not even aware of my existence
What will it take for you to notice me?
Whenever you’re around I just can’t stop my body tremblin’
But, you walk right by and seem to look through me
There I stand, heartbroken, lost, defeated, and just devastated
I wish you knew how much it tortures me
So many lonely nights I lay and fantasize about you, Baby
I wish you were here lying next to me
What would it take for you to understand how much I want you, Baby?
I just want you to once acknowledge me
I heard you were a fan of a man I admire, Baby
Let’s go on a date and catch his show
Am I a fool to think that you would ever want to be with me?
Is it too much to ask to let me know?
Baby, acknowledge me
I’ll be here hangin’ on
It is my fantasy…
To make you my reality
Baby, acknowledge me
Don’t keep me waiting too long
You are my fantasy
Let’s make it a reality
When I lay my head upon my pillow it’s so comforting
‘Cause I know we’ll be together in my dreams
Just the thought of you and me together is so exciting
Let’s say we meet again tonight at three
Physical attraction is the first factor that we measure
I wanna know – What do you think of me?
Is there any reason why we couldn’t be together, Baby?
Is it that you’d be ashamed of me?
Dreams come true
I know they do
One day I’ll be with you
Oblivious to my existence
I’m here, waiting for you